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- by
- John J. Kottler
- May/June, 1986
- p.92
- **************************************
- NOTE: This program is written for
- the Commodore 128. Because of this,
- it cannot be run directly from
- LOADSTAR. To run this program, simply
- turn your 128 off, then back on again.
- This should put you in 128 mode.
- After this, all you need to do is
- type DLOAD"DRAW TABLET.128".
- When the READY prompt appears, type
- RUN and press RETURN.
- **************************************
- One of the most powerful features
- of the C-128 is its graphics
- capabilities; 128 DRAWING TABLET lets
- you harness these capabilities with
- joystick and keyboard entries.
- To use this program, you must first
- have your joystick plugged into Port
- 2. Once you run the program, you
- will first see a cross-hair appearing
- in the center of the screen. The
- program also displays instructions for
- each drawing and painting mode at the
- bottom of the screen. If you need
- help at any time while running this
- program, pressing the HELP key will
- display the list of commands used.
- The first mode that you will be in
- is the DRAWING MODE. In the
- instruction window for this mode are
- the various key presses you must make
- to alter colors, brush sizes, and
- brush speeds.
- In the DRAWING MODE, pressing 0
- through 3 on the keyboard selects the
- drawing color, SHIFT 1 through SHIFT 5
- selects brush size, and COMMODORE 1
- through 5 changes the brush speed.
- The selection for the brush speed and
- size is displayed by the two numbers
- appearing at the right side of the
- screen.
- If you want to accelerate movement
- of the cursor while drawing, you may
- choose the BURST MODE by pressing the
- SPACE BAR to speed up the process.
- This option will also work with the
- paint, circle, box, and line modes.
- Pressing the SPACE BAR will return
- the cursor to normal speed.
- To select the colors you wish to
- use for the picture itself, the
- background, and the border, press the
- CLR/HOME key. You must press keys 1
- through 3 to select a color for Color
- One, Color Two, and Color Three. Keys
- 4 and 5 allow you to change the
- background and border colors.
- Once you have chosen the color you
- wish to change, a color bar will
- appear in the current color. By
- using the up and down arrow keys, you
- may step forward and backward through
- the different colors possible. When
- you find the shade you like, press
- either RETURN or the left arrow key to
- update the color.
- This option allows you to use more
- than three colors in your drawings
- because it updates only the current
- drawing colors, not the colors already
- on the screen. If you want to clear
- the screen, press the SHIFT CLR/HOME
- combination.
- DRAWING TABLET retains all of the
- Commodore 128 box, circle, line,
- paint, and text commands. Pressing
- the first letter of the command mode
- you wish to use ("B" for BOX MODE,
- for example) selects that mode. With
- each mode, you will see brief
- instructions outlining the type of
- input needed and then prompts to set
- the parameters of your graphic.
- Remember to press RETURN to enter
- your responses. You may use the
- ESCAPE key to abort.
- To save your work, press the SHIFT-S
- combination. You will be prompted to
- enter a filename for your picture.
- If you wish to retrieve a picture,
- press the SHIFT-L combination and
- enter the appropriate filename. To
- read the disk directory, press
- If your disk has many pictures on
- it, you may need to use one of the
- four disk commands from a small menu
- that can be accessed with the SHIFT-W
- combination. These commands will
- format a new disk, erase or rename a
- file, or "clean-up" your disk.
- If you are formatting a disk, enter
- the "header name and disk id" and
- press RETURN. To rename a file, enter
- "new filename = old filename" and
- press RETURN.
- You can load the graphics that you
- create into your BASIC programs with
- the following commands:
- command loads the high-resolution
- screen and Color 1 and Color 2 data.
- 55296:POKE 1,115: This loads Color 3
- data.
- BLOAD "BC/FILENAME",B15,P 53280: This
- loads the background and border
- colors.
- ------------<end of text>-------------